Sunday, 8 January 2012

Europe Trip! -- Day 1/Trip Proglogue

Before I start writing my small literary entry into the adventures of Matt, Jo and Ethan, I would just like to preface it with the information to the dear reader that we have had a lot to do to get us to this point (Day 1 at time of writing).

Aside from a the fact that both of our families seem to have the majority of their birthdays in November and December, we have also had Christmas to contend with.  Also to make life more busy in these months we have also both finished up our respective jobs and got new ones.  Then we have packed up and shifted from the rainy traffic ridden shores of Auckland to the golden paved roads of Hamilton.  So after all of that we have somehow saved and planned for a trip across several countries together in Europe of which we have just started.

About 1 weeks ago today the movers came and shifted all the contents of the house and moved them to Hamilton, where Jo and I have spent most of this week, unpacking and setting up the house.  A tireless job that always seems to catch you working non stop without breaks and late into the evenings.  So on Wednesday night we figured we had done about 95% of the unpacking and sorting and so piled everything we needed for our holiday into the car and drove the 1 hour and 45 minute trip to Auckland to Jo, parents for the night.

The next morning we were into the car again at 9am and drove to Auckland Airport where we caught an 11am flight to Christchurch.  We then had a 4pm flight from Christchurch to Kuala Lumpur.  Luckily there we no earthquakes in Christchurch for the few hours that we where there (I know it was playing Jo's mind).  We got to KL at about 4am NZ time (due to the delayed departure of our Christhchurch flight because of the extra food that they needed to load onto the flight - I reckon it's because someone made a booking error and only noted that I was boarding this specific flight when I turned up on the day).

Getting to Kuala Lumpur meant that by this time we had been on the proverbial road now for 19 hours. At 6am NZTime we departed KL for Paris, and we landed in Paris at 8am NZ Time and where in our hotel by sometime between 9 and 9:30am.

Shortly after we checked in and showered (yah for getting rid of 36 hours of traveling yuckiness), we went for a quick walk which turned into several hours (Jo was rather proud of showing me around her favourite city.  We went to and into Notre Dame, across the Seine river (Aka Wanganui River) and a bit of a trip across to the gates of the Louvre.  On the way back we decided to cross a bridge that from a distance it looked like the sides of it where gold plated.  It in fact turned out to be this bridge -->  It was pretty nifty, making us think it was a bit like the bridges and fences around New Zealand that get covered with other type of things (i.e. bra's/bikes).  Anyhow we walked back (quite a walk for us novice walkers) and we got back to the hotel room where I typed up this little ditty.  I then decided to lie down at 3pm for an hour or two's kip, and woke up at 8:30pm, to find that everyone else had fallen asleep and so we called it a day... everyone must have pretty exhausted for not sleeping for basically two days... haha!

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