Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Day 2

Woke up today at 3:30am Paris time due to me falling asleep 12 hours earlier, and decided to lie there until 6 or 7am when I thought it might be cool to get up and not have Jo telling me off :-)  However, as fate would have it I fell asleep again at 10 minutes to 6.  Then slept another 2 hours for good measure.  Felt a lot better than I had for the past 2-3 days due to the flying, but still decided I need an extra supply of Panadols just in case. 
Rocked downstairs and found the local cafe/restaurant and let Jo order (I let Jo order/talk for everything, because if the local thinks we can speak french we don't get a slap - you know those storied of grumpy frenchies) and we had a delightful meal of coffee, omelettes and orange Juice.  However my cover was blown when I went to pay the bill when the waiter asked if I speak french and I had to say 'Non'.  Needless to say the conversation stopped there and we left the cafe - not sure if we are allowed back haha.

After that we decided to go for a walk (pretty much over to Starbucks for our second coffee in 30 minutes - to blast our bodies into wakeup mode) and about 20 minutes into the walk Jo decided we would stick to her schedule and go find the Museum of Paleontology.  It was quite a walk along the river Seine to find it, but I very much enjoyed it, as I quite enjoy walking anywhere new and looking at things I have never seen before (whether they be interesting or not).  Once we got to the museum we realised is was basically several museums all lumped together in one district.  There was even a museum of Scientific Documents!  Egad... that one would have to be saved for a rainy day. ;-)

Anyhow we found the Museum National D'Historie Naturalle, Grand Galerie De L'Evolution.  (Say the seven times real quick!)  We went inside this and bought ticket for the main museum and it's two exhibitions which were something about learning for kids (not bad for adults either) and the other was about spiders.  Anyhow, we went through there and that must have taken a good 5-6 hours.  We sat down a lot near the end of it and still missed approx one quarted of the exhibits I'd guess, plus you know how you do get tired and skip past a lot of things without reading them properly.  There was a rather large exhibit on the Narwhal which was very interesting due to the fact that it is the basis of the Unicorn legend.  I spent 15-20 minutes reading everything and Jo was extremely (not) interested when I tried to recite some of the best points to her... haha!  Oh well... maybe another time.

The walk back from the Museum was interesting as we got a bit lost and poor Jo was struggling to walk back due to her choice of footwear... luckily for her though there is a footwear specialist in ur next stop (Rome)... I mean how could there not be.... you know, the leather goods captial of the world and all! :-)  Anyhow, off for dinner in a hour or two... not sure where we are going but everywhere has been awesome so far!  Will update in a bit!

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