Thursday, 3 April 2008

Travel downtime

Well here I am in Bulls - heading down the west coast of the North Island. It's bee a great last couple of days. After my Wrestlemania night, on Monday (which was a hell of a great night), I have pretty much been on the road, doing a spot of travelling and seeing the region. My friend Kim took me down the coast line of Taranaki, regailing me with stories of the past and all the things that we did as kids together, like eating chocolate on the beach, attacking eels, drinking copious amounts of alcohol, and generally being deviants as only boys can be. Anyhow, we drove down through some of Taranaki's more remote countryside, and stopped over in Taranaki for a little meal in the cafe there. Then we moved onto Hawera where Kim dropped me off and I stayed with my Grandmother overnight. It was very nice to see her again, Now it has been twice in about 4 months that that has happened. It must be some sort of record because I normally just don't get the time to see many of my relatives, as they all live in different areas of the country side. Lucky for them that I don't have a job any more and they can feed me and look after me now when I decide to drop in on them. Actually - the more I 'drop in' and see people for a day or two (or more), the more I get the feeling that I am leeching off people. I know I really aren't but I have always been a rather independent kind of chappie and don't like having to have other people make any plans or fuss over me. So I tend to try and keep my stays short and really don't like to interfere too much in their lives. Life on the road seems that much easier. I am currently reading a lot and as I take small breaks I look up out the window of wherever I am and find myself really enjoying things. What is there not to enjoy? Whether it's raining or sunny, life seems pretty damn good. Hmmm getting a bit mushy here, oh well, I'm sure I will counter it some other time with some funny things that I will do and get up to sooner or later.

So back to the start... I'm in Bulls. the town really doesn't have too much going for it except for it's name, which I don't really know how it got that, and as I don't have any internet access, I'm afraid I cannot tell you. But anyhow, this town is a smallish typical kiwi town, with about 1 pub on every corner. haha so that makes it about a 4 pub town. I am on a 4 hour bus trip which actually takes reall only about 2.25 hours to actually drive... but buses make stops and also I have a 1 hour wait for a connecting bus to get her haha crazy. Anyhow, it's 5:30pm on a sunny, but fading autumn's day. Quite nice... the sky is blue and pretty much almost clear and only a whisper of wind is in the air, very pleasant. Anyhow the bus has just turned up again (my connecting bus that is) so off I go - will post again later guys - internet connections are hard to find in the middle of New Zealand hehe.

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