Monday, 31 March 2008

WRESTLEMANIA XXIV (24 you noobs!)

Well, if you are even remotely involved in my life, you will know that I like to watch the wrestling on TV. It's really great fun and escapism. Seeing grown men beat up each other - or at least look like they are beating each other up, is actually good fun. I mean, you guys, most of us have seen "Fight Club" right? How many of us guys think that movie is totally awesome, but then, your gf/wife/mum that you took to it as well thought it was totally crap? uh huh - probably lots of us. There's something watching a bit of the old blood sweat and tears in the name of sport that seems to appeal to a lot of guys. Even though most guys make smarky comments about the wrestling, I find that with a bit of watching and a few back stories to bring them up to speed, that most guys will happily watch an hour or two of wrestling with a good laugh or two.

Anyhow matches tonight include a 24 man battle royal - woot! the playboy bunny match (4 girls duking it out with Snoop Dogg as the special guest referee - LOL!) the big championship match, and an sure to be awesome Money in the bank match... that's always really awesome. So the beers, cokes and chips and dip are all in the fridge getting ready! woohoo

Anyhow, it's raining here in New Plymouth again for like the 3rd day in a row. Not too bad really.. been enjoying life, just cruising round meeting friends, recovering form hangovers and doing a spot of shopping in the malls and stuff here... quite nice and relaxing. I was actually supposed to climb the mountain and also do some sea kayaking but the weather has put paid to those ideas. No biggies. Am looking forward to meeting friends down in Dunedin, it'll be like a little foreign country no doubt. One last blast before I head off into the wilder yonders all by myself which is the west coast of the South Island - I should have way more pictures to add to my photo album by then - so stay tuned for neato scenery pics. :-)

Anyhow kiddies I'm off to watch a bit more CSI and enjoy my day - hope you all are enjoying your week :-) haha


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