Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Woot! Blog time!

OK - I haven't had much sleep in the last day or so. Mainly because one of the servers at work has decided to play funny buggers with me. I got called out at around 10pm last night and didn't get hom until around midnight. I decidedthat maybe it would be nice to have a little sleep in and not get up for another hour, but all my plans were dashed when my pager went off at 6:20am... grrr only 5 hours sleep. Lucky I got that much I suppose.

So I jumped, got some clothes on and push biked over to work, quite nice actually, nice and chilly still in the fresh mornign air, and with some good tunes blaring in my iPod. Plus with my fitness coming back to me I made it to work in very good time.

So after a bit of a taxi ride out there and a quick look at the box and a bit of a investigation I found more problems with it haha. christ - so here I am all day working on this thing rather than doing any normal kind of log checking, kinda fix work. Oh well, at least I'm earning my salary - wont feel guilty at 5pm today. Although I suspect that I wont be finishing until 8pm probably goddamit!

As for other things, well life is pretty good. The weather, well, what can you say about the weather. The summer is incredible this year. You know how you think the summers were all long and hot when you were a kid and it's never like that anymore? Well this summer is like that, and eveyone has been saying how amazing it is. It's great. Long hot days.... sure, a little humidity now and then but,, just brilliant overall. Great evening walks and bbq weather. How can you not be happy!

By the way, my flatmate, fails. Fails at being clean and tiday haha! Nah, he's a good dude, but you've gotta have some leeway when it comes to tryign to keep the house clean, especially when I am a bit of a cleaning Nazi these days. It's good to have someone paying half the rent and bills too. Good to have him about.

So not too much of an update, probably gonna rejoin the gym tonight or tomorrow if I get the chance... gotta get soem uber fitness back. Can't wait!


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