Well, here I sit after a crazy day. Up at 6:30am after little sleep, back into work, saving the world and doing my best to not get too stressed out (although I think I was fighting a bit of a losing battle there). Eventually I got the server fix and I also got the remote access set up so that I wont have to go out in the middle of the night if something else happens to it. Luvely Juvely.
So here I sit at home, just after 8pm, and it's still nice and sunny outside. I've had a bit of a munch on a carrot and thought that maybe I should be a devil and make a second blog post on the same day! omg... "However can I keep up Matty?" I hear you say... well, I dunno, but don't get left behind! haha
So today was a pretty good day with all things considered. Under pressure for most of the day with this dreaded bad server wanting to crash on me all the time, and me with no access to it when it did . Grr. Anyhow, I got to escape the building for lunch, and got some sunshine and paid my Amex bill. Was good to get outside again, gave the old head and hands a bit more of a tan haha. Shame I was wearing business pants and shirts as usual. :-)
I gave the old "Oldfriends" website profile a bit of a spruce up today, seems that as I am finishing up at my job, I thought it would be good to keep things a little up to date. So if you are on there, hunt me down and take a look! Let's see, now what do the rest of the week hold for me? Hmmm join the gym again... was supposed to do that today but sort of got sidetracked at work. Umm Possibly biking 35kms on Saturday and Sunday to cover for the guys at work to help with a job. We will see - it's a bit up in the air at the moment. Maybe a bit of a movie night on Saturday night with some gamer mates and then maybe a BBQ at Gaz's house. What a weekend! woohoo. hehe
Anyhow, might sign off now, have to go and hunt some dinner down... chicken nuggets from teh freezer sounds like a good eat for tonight. See ya later.
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