Monday, 9 February 2009

Day 1 (and 36 years)

So ok, I turned 36 recently. I know, I know, I'm getting old. But quite frankly I don't feel it. I've heard a few people say that they felt like a switch was turned on when they hit 40, and they just felt old all of a sudden. Well that means I've got 4 years to go before I get to prove that theory wrong! haha!

So what did you do for your birthday Mr. Scott I hear you ask. Well I actually was recovering from a headache from the night before. I Went out for a bit of poker night and thought that I wouldn't drink too much, and I would have a nice clear head the next day. Well as it turns out I was weak and someone had Jim Beam Gold label... that was all that was required. I drunk probably half the bottle and basically held consciousness long enough to lose all my chips and then pass out at the table. So yeh, Sunday was a bit rough really, but I got through ok :-)

On another note, I've also decided to change my training/exercise routine around a bit. Luckily for me, work asked us if anyone wanted to start a little later at 9am and finish at 5:30pm. I snapped this opportunity up and now I get and extra hour in the mornings to do my cardio and then I do my weights in the evening. I've now been twice so far and I am enjoying it a lot. There's always that 'dread' factor when you know you have at least 2 hours of bloody hard sweat and tears to go at the gym and the temptation to not go gets very strong sometimes. At least now in the evenings after a hard day of writing blogs, er I mean work, I know I only have an hour and a bit of weightlifting to do when I get there... no afternoon cardio - hallelujah! Also, it seems a good run in the morning is a good way to wake yourself up. At least I don't feel too bad... yet!

PS Saw another idiot on his bike the other day with half a tyre pumped up. Idiot. I felt my pulse kick up another notch as soon as I saw him. Bloody muppet.

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