Wooohooo South Island has been completed! Well as much as it's going to be completed for the near future anyhow. I travelled up the coast the other night and stayed in Hokitika, I think I mentioned that. Hoever the next morning, bright and early I was outta there! I had driving to do and a long way to go. I didn't really stop and had about 5-6 hours of driving to do. I did allow myself a bit a of a nice stop at the world famous 'Pancake Rocks' in Paparoa, which is all there is in Paparoa, but the place was pretty neat. Amazing rocks formed by different layers of limestone being washed away over millions of years. You just don't get to see that sort of thing every day... I know BORING! but I like that sort of thing... tourist actvities don't really excite me but I love to see what nature can do - it's generally much more powerful than what mankind can ever do.
Anyhow after a few photos and some neato bush walking, I was back on the road again. I stopped off in Greymouth (which was before the rocks I think) and stopped in at the local Wharehouse shop and grabbed another CD - I couldn't find 'Old School of Rock - Vol 1 (dammit!) so I had to get Hip Hop Classics lol! A double CD with about3 songs by Snoop Dogg and another 3 by Ice Cube... hmmm.. There were a couple of goodies on there so I looked like some crazy white guy driving a SUV about to pop a cap if you know what I mean haha.
Lets see what else did I do, hmm stopped at Nelson, went and saw Semi-Pro at the movies - yeha bit sad, but it was Sunday night and everything eas closed. EVEN THE GODDAM STARBUCKS! How rude! I did go for a bit of a drive around the Nelson coastline before it got dark and it was very nice. I didn't realise that Nelson was so big. I thought it was a bit of a little town but I was defintely mistaken. It was quite large. 3rd Largest apprantely in the South Island. Quite good..... very sunny and relaxing too. Unfortunately my time was running short, so I was off early the next morning. I had to get over to Picton. I was in 2 minds at this point. A Few days before I had driven up the Buller river and I couldn't help but think that how cool it would be to do some kayaking down that river. I had seen a few kayaking trip advertised but didn't really think much of it until I got a bit further north. So I figured that maybe I might find something in Picton that might fly my down that way and do some thing cool like that. I did find a seaplane but it was already out for the day. Rats. So I decided to turn in my rental car and visit a local musuem which was on a ship (the 9th oldest still floating) called the Edwin Fox. Upon looking through some of the passenger lists of people that it bought to NZ I may have discovered my Great great great Grandparents... hmmm pretty cool I'll have to do some more research into that.
Anyhow the trip back to Wellington was fine. The weather did pack in a bit as I neared Wellington but no matter, it cleared up enough for me to walk the 2kms back form the ferry bulding to the train station.
Oh and only 23 possums spotted on my quick trip today (and a branch off a tree that fooled me and caught me out as well haha)
Catch ya later
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