Hi there, hope everyone is ok out there!
I flew down from Wellington to Dunedin on Friday and met some friends that I had sort of know for probably the best part of 2 years but never actually met. Jeff and Faith are mad gamers (a bit like myself, but I'm not so mad - well maybe I am) and I've chatted to the them on and off for quite some time now. So I decided that as I was heading south and investigating this part of the the country that they would be good people to drop in and visit. Well it's Monday morning and I must say they have the comfy-ist bed mattress a guy could ever wish for. I'm lying on it as I type and I just never want to leave - although I would probably get kicked out sooner or later haha.
So I flew into Dunedin and also met another chap called Nigel whom I have know for several months but never met. We went out into Dunedin and went out for a lovely dinner (I had several dinners) and some drinks. We basically just went around the Octagon and drank our way around and I chatted to the locals and what it meant to be a Dunedin-ite. Most of them thought that you had to be cold, drink a lot and set couches on fire... sounds a lot like Canada! haha
So anyhow - we wont talk about Saturday, because Saturday is the devil's day and I seem to have terrible headaches those days. I think we all stayed indoors, played World of Warcraft (I watched) and Guitar Hero III on the PS2. I am pretty addicted to that game now and will have to get a copy of the game in Duty Free or something when I am overseas.. woooh! :-) That game is fun!
Sunday we all went out to the Dunedin Botanical Gardens and went for a bit of a walk... very nice. We saw the gardens, the duckies, the Dunedin City Jazz Band and the Denedin Aviary. We wandered around the township and looked at shops and stuff - very nice. I actually like Dunedin quite a bit. Except it seems to be hilly as hell, a lot more than Wellington actually is and for someone who likes to get outside and do a bit of cycling, it's probably a bit too hilly for me. Oh yeah, we also drove up New Zealand's steepest street - goddamn - now that is an experience, you just think the whole car is about to roll over backwards on the way up the hill, and then coming down you pray the brakes don't fail. Ofcourse as we got to the bottom of the hill there were those pesky asian tourists again. I swear to god, it's the Truman show staring Matt Scott sometimes haha - we were almost like celebrities as they saw us come down from the hill... I haven't had my picture taken so much since I last encountered my asian fans on a trains on the way to Edmonton in Canada hehe.
Anyhow, I am renting a car today, and I am not sure where I will go. Thought I could go up north to Christchurch, but I have been there once already, and thinking about driving further south down to Invercargil (oooohhh scary!!) haha. So anyhow, a bit of a shower is in order and then a quick email of two and I will be off driving around the significantly colder part of New Zealand! ok then - toodle-loo - cyas a bit later!
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