Thursday, 21 February 2008

Mid February... Summer is still here!

For all 17-elevnty billion readers, I thought I'd just let you know it's still as SUNNY AS HELL here in Auckland, New Zealand! Damn, it's been raining a little, but you wouldn't know it as the rain seems to be sucked into the ground faster than it falls to earth! and then it's nice and sunny and hot again. Pretty awesome acutally, as everything is still nice and green... although I think the farmers are having a bit of a hard time trying to grow their crop to any real decent size...

Anyhow, work... lets see what can I say. I got made redundant from Unisys. 12 years and I got paid out nice ly thank you very much Unisys! Now I am living the liife of luxury that god intended me to have (well, enough to pay off my debts and be able to afford a weeks worth of Subway anyhow!) haha And now I'm doing some contract work at TCL, mainly doing a bit of training, support and transitioning stuff. quite nice actually. Not on-call anymore, which is a hell of a change. I compare it a lot to be 'acclimatised' to prison. Not that it's a prison or anything, more like that I am within a boundary that I can't go out of without major effort or organising. But now I am free to go out at night, to turn off my cellphone, to get drunk, to fall in a gutter and not have to worry about fixing stuff in the middle of the night... Very nice indeed. Life is pretty awesome at the moment.

Lets see, what else? Oh yeh - I got some photo's from my sisters from one of the weddings I went to in December. My sisters' wedding in Kapiti actually. A big 12 people wedding which was good. My favourtie photo is one of me, my 2 sisters and my mother and my father all in the same photo. Because since my parents split up when I was young we never really got a family photo.... now I have one - and it rocks. I think my sisters quite like that photo as well... it's very unique as far as our family goes!

So yeh, back to the gym now - been going several times over the past week... getting fit again. It's strange, I haven't been for 3 months (when, back then I had been going for 3 months solid as well) but within a week I feel almost like I am back to that point where I finished up at peak fitness (does that make sense?) I'm almost lifting the same weights and with the same amount of reps again. Not quite - but almost... so only another week or two and I think I will have it... and look out world... think I'm confident now? haha hold onto you hats!

AND - omg - big news of the week!!! I know have in my posession, one of the best secrets of the universe! - "Kryptonite for women!" haha Bet that got your ear going didn't it? Well I am not one to keep secrets so here you go... You see, for 2 weeks now I have been taking Salsa dancing classes on Tuesday nights, and earlier this week I learnt how to (properly) spin the lady around on the dance floor and control her.... Talk about melting at ones' feet... lol It's nuts... The looks you get from your partner when you pull it off correctly and you apply the correct amount of 'forcefulness' is brilliant. I swear I could almost put in my breakfast orders in there and then... hahaha!! So there you go. Don't say I never tell you anything good! Anyhow I will have to keep going to those classes... they are pretty good!

So yeh work is about to all wind up for me soon - I really don't know what I will do next. I get the feeling me, as a package, I am in demand... a kiwi born, english speaking chappie with over a dozen years of good IT skills. It seems that I hear a lot of "You'll find a job in no time" sorts of things... well, that might be true but I feel lazy again... and maybe I'll have a few weeks off before finding some more work... Maybe a couple of part time jobs in Devonport would be good... somewhere in the public sector where I can meet some of the locals... like one of the pubs, or a foody place... dunno - maybe, will probably go work in a fluorescent-lit room again with more computers, but I like to dream :-)

Anyhow, I'm off to play some World of Warcraft and enjoy the last hours of the day.

toodle pip!


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